Thursday, September 30, 2010

Banned Books Week

This week is Banned Books Week. I strongly support parents being aware of what their kids are reading, and even putting restrictions on them if they feel it is necessary - but I still think it is important that libraries provide all those resources and not self-censor or limit information.

So today I wanted to ask some questions that will hopefully stimulate thought and conversation, rather than highlighting a particular book, series or selections on a theme as usual.

  • Are there any books you don't want your kids to read? Why?
  • Are some books ones you don't want them to read now, but would be okay with when they are older?
  • Do you remember reading any books as a kid that you found offensive at time? What bothered you about them?
  • Do you remember your parents putting any restrictions on your reading as a kid?
Here are some great links to online resources about Banned Books Week, and about oft-challenged children's books in particular.
I look forward to your comments and discussion!