Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introduction to the 6 Pre-Reading Skills

The focus of pre-reading skills is not on teaching children to read at an early or young age. If your child does learn to read before they get to school, then great! The point of pre-reading skills for parents, caregivers, librarians and early childhood educators is to lay a strong foundation of literacy skills necessary for learning to read successfully once a child reaches school. The 6 Skills we build through singing songs, talking a lot (even before our kids can talk back!) and of course - sharing books together!

These are the 6 skills, with a short description, check back in coming weeks for more books and activities to help foster these skills with the kiddos in your life!

Print Motivation - I like books!

Print Awareness - Those squiggles on the page mean something.

Phonological Awareness - I know the sounds of language.

Narrative Skills - Telling stories is fun!

Letter Knowledge - Now I know my ABCs!

Vocabulary - I know a lot of great words.

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